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The Religion of the Stars is based upon Wisdom expressing through the Aquarian Age Spirit of Altruism
Altruism is the unselfish concern for other people—
devotion to the welfare of others.
As Altruism Evolves into Spirituality,
we develop the capacity to Reunite with Our Soul Mate
in the Spiritual Realm.
Spirituality evolves over time as the Soul labors through The Cycle of Necessity for the welfare of the whole cosmic structure, with no thought of individual interests except in so far as they are essential qualifications for efficiency in unselfish work. In so doing, we really gain; for we are adding value to the only real and permanent part of ourselves—to our character.
Character Insight from Spiritual Astrology...John Legend
The 1st Decanate of Capricorn (Capricorn-Capricorn) — It is pictured in the sky as the Constellation, Cynus, the Swan. Its rulership spans from December 22 to January 1.
Keyword:ORGANIZATION Spiritual Text:Under Certain Conditions. the Stone is Rolled from the Entrance to the Tomb and Man Consciously Exchanges Ideas with Those Who Have Entered the Chamber of Death.
Cygnus, the Swan, pure and bright, glides from winter’s crystallizing northern skies toward the warmth of the south. This constellation, representing the first decanate of Capricorn, symbolizes a fresh start and a shift away from the rigidity of materialism, heralding a spiritual warmth or awakening.
Those born under this decanate are natural pioneers of positive change. They understand, perhaps better than anyone, the importance of organization and structure to achieve meaningful progress. Drawn to fields like business and politics, they excel at bringing together diverse groups and creating unified efforts that are more effective than any could achieve alone. These individuals willingly take on responsibility, naturally stepping into leadership and management roles.
At their best, they are empowered to use their unique talent for coordination, guiding others, and fostering harmony to build something greater.
“The Swans, returning from the south, like messengers bringing information from this after life, do not fly in loose flocks, but in well defined V-formation.”
How does this decanate apply to Legend’s life?
In a PBS interview with Jeffrey Brown John Legend mentioned a McDonald’s Black History Makers of Tomorrow competition he entered. “I wrote this essay when I was fifteen years old, and I said I was going to try to make history by becoming a successful artist and using my success to try to make the world better. And I still feel that same sense of mission, and I'm going to keep doing it.”
Legend’s Sun is found in the first decanate of Capricorn, Cygnus the Swan. In the language of Spiritual Astrology, Cygnus is the forerunner of better conditions. True to the spirit of this decanate, we find he spends much of his energy and talent around social activism. Legend’s social activism has focused on improving economic equity and education and eliminating mass incarceration through the organizations he founded, such as the Show Me Campaign, Free America, LRNG, and HUMANLEVEL. In 2023, he narrated the documentary, Home Free, focusing on eliminating the barriers faced by incarcerated individuals as they attempt to reenter society.
Legend’s Sun is in the twelfth house, the house of restrictions and institutions. He told Sydney Odman, Hollywood Reporter, “I knew what it was like to be from a community that might be overlooked and ignored.” “I also grew up with a lot of people who got caught up in the criminal justice system — family members, good friends who spent time in jail or prison. Even now, if you go back to our hometown and the area around it, there are so many people that are dealing with addiction when it comes to opiates.” With his organizational ability, Legend shines a Light on a neglected region of society that has been left cold from neglect and abuse. He reminds us that all members of society can make a difference. Like Cygnus, he brings a message of hope, that given a nurturing environment and proper support, everyone can live a constructive life of success and contribution to society. His Sun makes a perfect Sextile to his MC in Scorpio, facilitating his organizational capacity to shed light on the problems that many of us don’t necessarily see or feel. He does this with an uplifted spirit, fostering harmony to build something better for all members of society.
For greater insight into the decanates of spiritual astrology, click here for more about Capricorn and the ORGANIZATION decanate in Course VII or here for “The Second Eighteen Decanates Analyzed” in Course X-1.
To purchase, Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology or here for Course X-1, Delineating the Horoscope.
Capricorn: The 10th Sign of the Zodiac
December 22 thru January 20
Best Quality: Diplomacy
Worst Quality: Deceitfulness
Key Phrase: I Use
“Every Environment Offers Opportunities for Spiritual Advancement, and Those who Make Good Use of Their Present Circumstances for Spiritual Ends Will Attract New Opportunities.”
And Jacob Stole from Esau...
Some Spiritual Astrology lessons offer cautionary messages. Saturn, Capricorn's guiding planet, is known for its grounding energy and focus on building security through material gains and social value. With the key phrase, “I USE,” it reminds us that Capricorn’s positive trait of diplomacy can sometimes slip into deceit if self-interest to the detriment of others becomes the primary focus.
To illustrate this, Zain draws on the Old Testament story of Jacob and Esau. Here, Jacob’s actions in claiming Esau’s birthright symbolize ambition fueled by self-interest, contrasting with Esau’s Sagittarian generosity and goodwill. This tale serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between Capricornian self-protection and Sagittarian benevolence, prompting us to reflect on our own actions and motivations. Both qualities are important.
As archetypes, Capricorn’s grounded drive for achievement and Jupiter’s expansive generosity in Sagittarius are divided only by a thin boundary, the solstitial colure. Capricorn’s essential nature is Saturnian and focused on securing business and material success, while the Jupiterian energy of Sagittarius is expansive and seeks to share knowledge and bring joy. Both types are essential in a functioning healthy society. Each day, we encounter these types of people: those like Esau, who are content to work hard for the joy of others, and those like Jacob, who either out of self-centeredness or fear of loss, scheme, and maneuver solely to serve their ambition.
This story offers a call for fairness, reminding us of the importance of using our strengths for the benefit of all. It ends with a hopeful note about Esau, saying, “And it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break the yoke from off thy neck,” underscoring the enduring value of justice and compassion, and inspiring us to uphold these values in our actions.
Click here for more of this meditation and a companion exercise.
For use at times of work, responsibility, loss, worry or undue self interest.
Constructive Safety Urges express as System and Order in life and habits. They are also associated with economy, elimination of waste and efficiency of effort.
O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! Awaken in me the knowledge that joy and mirth, love and music, beauty and art are good. Help me to express more of the gaiety in life. Give me courage in difficulties, let me smile in adversity and above all bring to my heart the realization that the interest of all is more important than the interest of self.
In this classic series, Elbert Benjamine explains the astrological significance of the sign Capricorn and its relationship to Arcanum VIII, The Balance tarot card...“Remember, then, son of earth, that to be victorious over thyself and dominate obstacles is but a part of the human task. To accomplish it entirely thou must establish equilibrium between the forces that thou hast brought into play. All action produces reaction. The will should foresee the shock of opposite forces in order to temper or annul them....” is an internet resource for those searching for true esoteric insight that can only come from combining the best of the past with the promise of the future. Here we try to avoid the dogma of material science, “new age” thought, or fundamentalist religious concepts, while adhering to the old axiom “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”
The Brotherhood of Light Lessons and the Aquarian Age
A new spiritual dispensation is at hand, where the love and compassion of the Piscean Age are enhanced by the wisdom that comes from a deeper understanding of the Nature of Reality brought by the new Aquarian Age and thus Religion is wed to Science. Our Brotherhood of Light lessons are the bridge that caries us into this New Age by combining the best of the Ancient Teachings with the wonders of our new discoveries. Nothing stays the same we must all adapt to the flood of new information.
Why Astrology and the Tarot are so important to understanding Traditional Knowledge
The word Kabala signifies traditional knowledge. It thus refers to the Oral Law, as handed down from antiquity; and embraces the occult traditions of all lands and all peoples. Often it is used merely as referring to the esoteric doctrines of the Jews; but in its broader sense it includes also the secret doctrine of other races. This secret doctrine, common to many lands, was jealously guarded from the profane, and was never permitted to pass into writing except in such ambiguous terms as to baffle the uninitiated as to its true purport. In this sense the sacred books of the world, including the Avesta, the Vedas and the Bible are largely kabalistical; for they set forth traditions that are capable of an inner, or esoteric, interpretation. In fact, there are usually several interpretations possible, each more inner version revealing a deeper truth to those who have advanced along the path far enough to comprehend it.
And this seems the proper place to point out that the unwritten kabala, like the written kabala, is set forth in symbolical language, with purposeful blinds and subterfuges to confuse the uninitiated; so that of the few who undoubtedly exist at the present day who have received it, most remain in as much ignorance of its true interpretation as the majority of students do after studying the more accessible written kabala. This unwritten kabala has been transmitted only through certain secret schools. Those receiving it well merit what is given to them. They are left to their own devices in the matter of interpretation. And because the real keys to its interpretation—astrology and the tarot—have been largely ignored, or distorted, they have floundered sadly in arriving at its meaning. Whether written or unwritten, the kabala is a philosophy correlated to esoteric astrology as exemplified by the tarot; and it can only be comprehended fully by those who perceive the true relation between astrological energies and their pictured tarot exemplification.
Excerpts from The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain
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Astrology of World Affairs by Hermetician Dennis Sutton
ancient wisdom — modern science
Sharing knowledge of Hermetic astrology, the birth chart, astrodynes and global astrology
click here to be taken to Dennis' website.
click here for a FREE copy of Dennis' book, A précis of The Brotherhood of Light's 21 reference texts on the occult sciences.
What does the Holographic Theory of the Universe and Quantum Theory have to do with our Hermetic teachings?
In this article we will attempt to present aspects that pertain to the Hermetic Teachings of the Church of Light. We also encourage you to investigate these theories for yourself...
The Brotherhood of Light lessons encourage us to study the Book of Nature...
Nature manifests through Diversity.
Diversity is the key to survival..mastering its many facets is the means by which we thrive.
Fear of the unknown and that which is different from self manifests throughout nature.
Through Cooperation we express the Will of Deity,
gain the freedom that results from transformation,
and achieve a sense of personal fulfillment, harmony, balance ... spirituality.