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Flow of Knowledge

Reason and Intuition

The soul has developed senses as tools to gather information about its environment. While modern science typically acknowledges five physical senses, ancient wisdom recognized not only seven physical senses but also seven psychic senses. These psychic senses enable the soul to perceive and understand its astral surroundings.

As with physical senses, the accuracy of psychic senses must be verified through experience, by consistently comparing their insights with real-world outcomes.

— paraphrased from CSV, Esoteric Psychology

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The Golden Key

Character Insight from Spiritual Astrology...Ellen DeGeneres

The 1st Decanate of Aquarius is pictured in the sky as the Constellation, Equuleus, the Head of a Horse. Its rulership spans from January 20 to January 30.


Spiritual Text: Next to Love, Man's Most Useful Companion is Knowledge—With this decanate, C. C. Zain emphasizes the importance of Knowing how the Planets Influence Human Life and Destiny.

Equuleus - Urania's Mirror
Alexander Jamieson's, Urania's Mirror, public domain

Aquarians are known for their progressive thinking, friendliness, curiosity, and enthusiasm for sharing advanced ideas—traits that align perfectly with the roles of a talk show host or comedian. Add to these qualities the dominant feature of her Sun’s decanate, Originality, and it’s no surprise that Ellen DeGeneres rose to fame as an out-of-the-box entertainer. However, as DeGeneres herself has said, she was fired from show business twice. Why might this have happened? Her birth chart offers some intriguing clues.

One significant factor in her chart is the close and powerful conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the tenth house, aligned with her Midheaven (MC). Traditionally considered malefic planets, Mars often brings strife, while Saturn is associated with loss and hardship. Positioned in the tenth house, which governs career, honor, and reputation, this conjunction highlights the challenges and setbacks she has faced, many of which have played out publicly.

Another notable aspect influencing her work life is her Sun in the first decanate of Aquarius, positioned in the twelfth house and closely conjunct Venus. These planets form a T-square with an opposition to Uranus in the sixth house (work and health) and squares to Jupiter and Neptune in the eighth house (shared resources and transformation). This complex configuration points to unresolved challenges involving workplace dynamics, financial factors (producers), and hidden obstacles—traditionally referred to in astrology as “hidden enemies.”

The Mars-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius, the truth-telling sign, trines her Aries Moon in the first house, suggesting a strong desire to connect with her public as a leader with authenticity about who she is. This aspect likely is why, in addition to being fired twice, she was hired twice and had hugely successful shows with a loyal and appreciative following.

DeGeneres’ chart reflects a dynamic interplay of ambition, authenticity, and challenges, highlighting both the struggles and triumphs that have shaped her remarkable career.

Next to Love, Man’s Most Useful Companion is Knowledge, and in Particular the Knowledge of the Manner in which the Planets Influence Human Life and Destiny.”

John Legend Birth Chart
Ellen DeGeneres, 1/26/1958,8:43 AM, Metairie, LA.
Chart generated by Horoscope Program; Source: Astro- Databank; Rodden Rating A

For greater insight into the decanates of spiritual astrology, click here for more about Aquarius and the ORIGINALITY decanate in Course VII or here for “The Second Eighteen Decanates Analyzed” in Course X-1.

To purchase, Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology or here for Course X-1, Delineating the Horoscope.

Aquarius: The 11th Sign of the Zodiac
January 20 through February 20

Best Quality: Altruism
Worst Quality: Argumentation

Key Phrase: I Know

The Aquarian Age Platinum Rule: “Do and Think Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do and Think Unto You.”

In the Age of Aquarius...

The Sign Aquarius

Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, governs the house of friends and symbolizes a deep connection to humanity. The ancients represented Aquarius as a Man whose receptive left hand measures celestial influences and whose executive right hand, pours wisdom onto the Earth. This imagery reflects Aquarius’s purpose—not just to know but to share knowledge for the greater good.

The phrase “I Know” often defines Aquarius, but what if knowledge is seen not as a possession but as a bridge—connecting the spiritual and material, the personal and universal? In this light, we might ask: Do humans still need religious wisdom as traditionally understood?

C. C. Zain explains that the word “religion” comes from the Latin re-ligare, meaning “to bind back.” Its original purpose was to preserve essential truths and help the human spirit reconnect with its divine origins. If we allow traditional knowledge to become rigid and fail to adapt to modern realities, traditions can transform from guiding lights into obstacles that hinder growth and understanding.

The humanitarian ideals and scientific advances of the Aquarian Age invite us to harmonize timeless wisdom with new understandings of Nature’s Laws. Rather than opposing forces, spirituality and science can be complementary perspectives that help us explore life’s complexity and beauty.

This balance is the lesson of Arcanum IX, The Sage (below): true wisdom comes from embracing both the Divine and the Material. By holding space for both, we unlock our full potential and connect to our moral compass as we progress through the Aquarian Age.

Click here for more of this meditation and a companion exercise.

Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology.

The Silver Key

Astro-Tarot Series:

The Balance

Arcanum IX: The Sage
Keyword: Wisdom or Prudence

In this classic series, Elbert Benjamine explains the astrological significance of the sign Aquarius and its relationship to Arcanum IX, The Sage tarot be a Sage is to know how to acquire Wisdom.

The Sage card expresses:

In the spiritual world—unlimited understanding.

In the mental world—good judgment as the director of the Will.

In the physical world—careful consideration of consequences.

ADMONITION paraphrased from The Sacred Tarot:

Remember, then, child of Earth, that wisdom is protected by the shield of prudence. Caution allows us to navigate life’s challenges, avoid pitfalls, and recognize potential betrayals. Let it guide your choices, even in the smallest matters, for nothing in life is insignificant—a single pebble can topple the mightiest chariot. If Arcanum IX appears in your horoscope, remember the value of thoughtful restraint: while speech may hold power, silence often carries greater strength.

The Sage—Wisdom or Prudence

To access the Astro-Tarot Series | click here

Mental Alchemy

Aquarius is a Dual Rulership Sign—Uranus, the upper octave or Mercury, and Saturn

Harmonizing Uranus' Individualistic Urges

Mercury/Uranus Alchemy

For use at times when thought is disturbed and difficult; when we are restless and apt to be extreme in our viewpoint and action; or, when there are drastic changes in our lives.

Constructive Individualistic Urges inspire Originality and best express thru moderate viewpoints, tolerance and avoidance of extremes in all things.

O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! I rely upon Thy Power to bring to a successful conclusion those matters thru which I cannot clearly see the way and in which I have done my best. Bring to me the realization that happiness and benevolence, confidence and trust in Thee will cause all things to work out for my ultimate good. Inspire me to see only good in others. Amen

Harmonizing Saturn's Safety Urges

Saturn Alchemy

For use at times of work, responsibility, loss, worry or undue self interest.

Constructive Safety Urges express as System and Order in life and habits. They are also associated with economy, elimination of waste and efficiency of effort.

O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! Awaken in me the knowledge that joy and mirth, love and music, beauty and art are good. Help me to express more of the gaiety in life. Give me courage in difficulties, let me smile in adversity and above all bring to my heart the realization that the interest of all is more important than the interest of self. So Shall It Be!

For more Prayers of Purpose click here



Part 4: The Cycle of Necessity.

Click here for Part 4
The Church of Light Quarterly, Winter 2024, Volume 99, Issue 3



The Online School for The Church of Light.

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons for students who enjoy an online, interactive environment.

Click here to Explore the AHA

Why We're Here is an internet resource for those searching for true esoteric insight that can only come from combining the best of the past with the promise of the future. Here we try to avoid the dogma of material science, “new age” thought, or fundamentalist religious concepts, while adhering to the old axiom “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons and the Aquarian Age

A new spiritual dispensation is at hand, where the love and compassion of the Piscean Age are enhanced by the wisdom that comes from a deeper understanding of the Nature of Reality brought by the new Aquarian Age and thus Religion is wed to Science. Our Brotherhood of Light lessons are the bridge that caries us into this New Age by combining the best of the Ancient Teachings with the wonders of our new discoveries. Nothing stays the same we must all adapt to the flood of new information.

Why Astrology and the Tarot are so important to understanding Traditional Knowledge

The word Kabala signifies traditional knowledge. It thus refers to the Oral Law, as handed down from antiquity; and embraces the occult traditions of all lands and all peoples. Often it is used merely as referring to the esoteric doctrines of the Jews; but in its broader sense it includes also the secret doctrine of other races. This secret doctrine, common to many lands, was jealously guarded from the profane, and was never permitted to pass into writing except in such ambiguous terms as to baffle the uninitiated as to its true purport. In this sense the sacred books of the world, including the Avesta, the Vedas and the Bible are largely kabalistical; for they set forth traditions that are capable of an inner, or esoteric, interpretation. In fact, there are usually several interpretations possible, each more inner version revealing a deeper truth to those who have advanced along the path far enough to comprehend it.

And this seems the proper place to point out that the unwritten kabala, like the written kabala, is set forth in symbolical language, with purposeful blinds and subterfuges to confuse the uninitiated; so that of the few who undoubtedly exist at the present day who have received it, most remain in as much ignorance of its true interpretation as the majority of students do after studying the more accessible written kabala. This unwritten kabala has been transmitted only through certain secret schools. Those receiving it well merit what is given to them. They are left to their own devices in the matter of interpretation. And because the real keys to its interpretation—astrology and the tarot—have been largely ignored, or distorted, they have floundered sadly in arriving at its meaning. Whether written or unwritten, the kabala is a philosophy correlated to esoteric astrology as exemplified by the tarot; and it can only be comprehended fully by those who perceive the true relation between astrological energies and their pictured tarot exemplification.

Excerpts from The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain

To see what we offer:

Browse through the 210 Brotherhood of Light Lessons by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic sciences including Hermetic Astrology, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy, the Tarot and other occult subjects designed to help you improve your life. You can read them all for FREE here!

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Develop personally and spiritually through our integrated system of Hermetic Astrology, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy and the esoteric teachings of the Egyptian Sacred Tarot.

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  • Start our correspondence courses by purchasing Course 1, Laws of Occultism (eBook or print version) or read it for FREE here.
  • Study the books then ask for the final exam on each course; take the exams. You'll get feedback and help, and receive a free Award (not-sold lesson) Manuscript that will enhance and deepen your metaphysical studies.
  • Become a Hermetician by passing all 21 Brotherhood of Light courses and become eligible to join The Order of the Sphinx.

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To get the most benefit from our material, you'll want to become a member. This allows you to take online exams for each of the 21 Brotherhood of Light courses on the Hermetic Sciences and receive valuable award manuscripts containing information not found elsewhere.

Passing all 21 courses leads to a Hermetician certificate and even more opportunities to learn and explore. In addition,if you're seeking professional status, being a Church of Light Hermetician is widely recognized and respected in the new age and astrological community. See our Membership page for more information.

USA Chart

Astrology of World Affairs
by Hermetician Dennis Sutton

ancient wisdom — modern science

Sharing knowledge of Hermetic astrology, the birth chart, astrodynes and global astrology

click here to be taken to Dennis' website.
click here for a FREE copy of Dennis' book, A précis of The Brotherhood of Light's 21 reference texts on the occult sciences.

As above, so below

Modern Physics Validates Brotherhood of Light Hermetic Teachings

What does the Holographic Theory of the Universe and Quantum Theory have to do with our Hermetic teachings?

In this article we will attempt to present aspects that pertain to the Hermetic Teachings of the Church of Light. We also encourage you to investigate these theories for yourself...

Modern Physics Validates Hermetic Teachings

The Brotherhood of Light lessons encourage us to study the Book of Nature...

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Diversity is the key to survival..mastering its many facets is the means by which we thrive.
Fear of the unknown and that which is different from self manifests throughout nature.
Through Cooperation we express the Will of Deity,
gain the freedom that results from transformation,
and achieve a sense of personal fulfillment, harmony, balance ... spirituality.

 K. Paul JohnsonHistory Of The Adepts

An interesting history of The Brotherhood of Light and related sister organizations by K. Paul Johnson.

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