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Flow of Knowledge

Spiritual Gold

Spiritual Gold is the Divine Ego—the imperishable spark of Deity, ever adaptable to each stage of the soul’s journey. It is resilient, extending its vital energy wherever life may lead. No hardship, criticism, or challenge can diminish its brilliance. It remains untarnished, unbreakable, and ever luminous. This inner essence is a our most precious possession—our greatest treasure—the true measure of a life well lived. As we allow it to shape our character, our highest qualities emerge, and through them, we rise to to our greatest potential.

— paraphrased from Course III, Spiritual Alchemy

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The Golden Key

Character Insight from Spiritual Astrology...
Maya Angelou

The 2nd Decanate of Aries is pictured in the sky as the Constellation, Eridanus, the River. Its rulership spans from April 1 to April 11.

Keyword: EXALTATION—The Action of Raising High.

Spiritual Text: “The Fountain of Immortal Life Springs from One’s Emotional Nature; the Vibrations of Exalted Love Having a Rate Sufficiently Frequent to Affect Spiritual Substance and Build a Spiritual Body.”

Eridanus - Constellation
The northern two-thirds of constellation Eridanus, the river,
as it can be seen by the naked eye in January in central Europe.
Till Credner at

The Old Testament creation story begins as the Spirit of God moves upon the waters. Just as water nourishes the earth, allowing life to flourish, emotion fuels human experience, shaping our thoughts, actions, and destinies.

In the zodiac, the celestial river Eridanus, influenced by Leo, governs joy, love, entertainment, and children—each deeply tied to emotion. Throughout history, water has symbolized emotion, stirring the nervous system like wind rippling across a pond. But Eridanus is no ordinary river; it is neither stagnant nor wild, but deep, steady, and powerful. It represents a refined, purposeful force—emotion that uplifts rather than overwhelms.

Maya Angelou exemplifies this transformative power. Born in the segregated South, she faced an inhospitable world beyond her control, filled with racism, abuse, and uncertainty. Yet, true to her pioneering Aries spirit, she defied barriers. At fifteen, she became one of San Francisco’s first Black cable car conductors, a feat achieved through persistence and her mother’s encouragement. Over time, she emerged as a dancer, singer, poet, author, professor, civil rights activist, and Pulitzer Prize-winning Poet Laureate.

Maya Angelou as a child Birth Chart
Maya Angelou, the beautiful child, 4/4/1928, 2:10 PM, St. Louis, MO
Chart generated by Horoscope Program; Source: Astro- Databank; Rodden Rating AA

Her Sun, positioned in Aries’ EXALTATION decanate, symbolizes her ability to rise above limitations. After enduring childhood trauma, she withdrew into silence for five years, a self-imposed retreat she described as being a “Volunteer Mute.” Yet, the deep sense of self instilled by her grandmother and the guidance of mentors like Ms. Bertha Flowers helped her rediscover her voice—literally and poetically. With her Sun in the 9th house of publishing, the world also heard her melodic voice, rhythmically flowing with cadence, when she published her first autobiographical book in 1969, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She went on to publish six more autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over fifty years. She received dozens of awards and more than fifty honorary degrees.

Angelou believed passion and patience must work in harmony, famously saying: “Seek patience and passion in equal amounts. Patience alone will not build the temple. Passion alone will destroy its walls.”

For greater insight into the decanates of spiritual astrology, click here for more about Aries and the EXALTATION decanate in Course VII or here for “The First Eighteen Decanates Analyzed” in Course X-1.

To purchase, Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology or here for Course X-1, Delineating the Horoscope.

Aries: The 1st Sign of the Zodiac
March 21 thru April 21


Aries MeditationAround the world, Spring is the season for celebrating fertility, new life, and survival. Ramadan, Lent, Easter, Vaisakhi, Purim, Naw Ruz, Vesak Day, Holi, and Passover mark some aspects of this celebratory period.

At its heart, this season is the story of passing over to the summer half of the year, from the dreary months of winter darkness and oppression. When we think of the privation endured by primitive people as their stored supplies became exhausted at the end of the season of snow and cold, we can have no surprise that they universally celebrated the passing of the Sun over the celestial equator from south to north, heralding the commencement of the growing period with its new supply of food and its relief from the icy blasts that make demands for special clothes and shelter.

Why a ram to mark the leader of the celestial procession? If one has ever watched an old ram lead his flock, using the Ram to head the procession of constellations will call for no further explanation. Aries was given the Key phrase, I Am. Those born under this influence, more than other people, tend to view things from the standpoint of Individual survival and expression. They are pioneers who venture into new lands.

The Vernal Equinox, or 0 degrees Aries, was selected by ancient astronomers to mark this transition. Not only does the timing represent the spirit of this season, but the constellated stories they told in the sky mark it as well. A new year or Cycle of Life begins when the Sun has circled the zodiac and passed over the Vernal Equinox into Aries. To many ancient people, this symbolized the transition from the physical world to the spiritual plane of life.

The spiritual text is:

“There is no death! What seems so is transition:
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life Elysian
Whose portal we call death .

Click here for more of this meditation and a companion exercise.

Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology.

The Silver KeyThe Reaper

Astro-Tarot Series:

Arcanum XIII: The Reaper—
the ever turning wheel of time

In Elbert Benjamine's classic series, he explains the astrological significance of the sign Aries and its relationship to Arcanum XIII, The Reaper tarot card.

The Reaper card expresses:

In the spiritual world—that creation, destruction, and renewal are in constant motion.

In the mental world—that spirit ascends to higher, divine dimensions.

In the physical world—that death is simply a transition—the soul shedding its physical form to exist in the astral world.

ADMONITION paraphrased from The Sacred Tarot:

Remember this, child of the earth: all things in the material world are temporary. Even the greatest powers fade, like grass cut from the field. If Arcanum XIII appears in your horoscope, it may signal an ending—perhaps sooner than expected. But do not fear. Death is not an end; it is the birth of a new existence.

The universe continually reabsorbs all that has not yet been spiritualized. But when we choose to rise above material instincts and align our souls with the greater cosmic flow, we awaken something greater within us—a higher self, a celestial being. This is the beginning of true immortality.

The Reaper - Destruction & Renewal, Ascension, Transition

To access the Astro-Tarot Series | click here

Mental Alchemy...

Quotes from H.S.D. Starnaman's Prayers of Purpose.

Prayer for the Mars Energy of Aries

Harmonizing Mars’ Discordant Aggressive Urges

For use at times when strife, haste and waste of energy, harshness, temper or violence enter our life.

Constructive Aggressive Urges express as Initiative in the use of energies for constructive work and action, building up instead of tearing down.

“O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! Temper my aggressive activity with gentleness in all that I do and say. Direct my love into channels of care and protection for others. Let the chief interest of my life be constructive service to the weak and helpless.”

For more Prayers of Purpose click here


An onging series of articles in the Quarterly


You may access these articles, by clicking on the links below.

Part 1: Overview of the Heliopolitan Ennead and BOL Theology.

Part 2: Elbert Benjamine’s Key to Decoding the BOL Doctrines in Heliopolitan Theology.

Part 3: The Osiris Myth.

Part 4: The Cycle of Necessity.



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Why We're Here is an internet resource for those searching for true esoteric insight that can only come from combining the best of the past with the promise of the future. Here we try to avoid the dogma of material science, “new age” thought, or fundamentalist religious concepts, while adhering to the old axiom “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons and the Aquarian Age

A new spiritual dispensation is at hand, where the love and compassion of the Piscean Age are enhanced by the wisdom that comes from a deeper understanding of the Nature of Reality brought by the new Aquarian Age and thus Religion is wed to Science. Our Brotherhood of Light lessons are the bridge that caries us into this New Age by combining the best of the Ancient Teachings with the wonders of our new discoveries. Nothing stays the same we must all adapt to the flood of new information.

Why Astrology and the Tarot are so important to understanding Traditional Knowledge

The word Kabala signifies traditional knowledge. It thus refers to the Oral Law, as handed down from antiquity; and embraces the occult traditions of all lands and all peoples. Often it is used merely as referring to the esoteric doctrines of the Jews; but in its broader sense it includes also the secret doctrine of other races. This secret doctrine, common to many lands, was jealously guarded from the profane, and was never permitted to pass into writing except in such ambiguous terms as to baffle the uninitiated as to its true purport. In this sense the sacred books of the world, including the Avesta, the Vedas and the Bible are largely kabalistical; for they set forth traditions that are capable of an inner, or esoteric, interpretation. In fact, there are usually several interpretations possible, each more inner version revealing a deeper truth to those who have advanced along the path far enough to comprehend it.

And this seems the proper place to point out that the unwritten kabala, like the written kabala, is set forth in symbolical language, with purposeful blinds and subterfuges to confuse the uninitiated; so that of the few who undoubtedly exist at the present day who have received it, most remain in as much ignorance of its true interpretation as the majority of students do after studying the more accessible written kabala. This unwritten kabala has been transmitted only through certain secret schools. Those receiving it well merit what is given to them. They are left to their own devices in the matter of interpretation. And because the real keys to its interpretation—astrology and the tarot—have been largely ignored, or distorted, they have floundered sadly in arriving at its meaning. Whether written or unwritten, the kabala is a philosophy correlated to esoteric astrology as exemplified by the tarot; and it can only be comprehended fully by those who perceive the true relation between astrological energies and their pictured tarot exemplification.

Excerpts from The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain

To see what we offer:

Browse through the 210 Brotherhood of Light Lessons by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic sciences including Hermetic Astrology, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy, the Tarot and other occult subjects designed to help you improve your life. You can read them all for FREE here!

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  • Start our correspondence courses by purchasing Course 1, Laws of Occultism (eBook or print version) or read it for FREE here.
  • Study the books then ask for the final exam on each course; take the exams. You'll get feedback and help, and receive a free Award (not-sold lesson) Manuscript that will enhance and deepen your metaphysical studies.
  • Become a Hermetician by passing all 21 Brotherhood of Light courses and become eligible to join The Order of the Sphinx.

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To get the most benefit from our material, you'll want to become a member. This allows you to take online exams for each of the 21 Brotherhood of Light courses on the Hermetic Sciences and receive valuable award manuscripts containing information not found elsewhere.

Passing all 21 courses leads to a Hermetician certificate and even more opportunities to learn and explore. In addition,if you're seeking professional status, being a Church of Light Hermetician is widely recognized and respected in the new age and astrological community. See our Membership page for more information.

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Astrology of World Affairs
by Hermetician Dennis Sutton

ancient wisdom — modern science

Sharing knowledge of Hermetic astrology, the birth chart, astrodynes and global astrology

click here to be taken to Dennis' website.
click here for a FREE copy of Dennis' book, A précis of The Brotherhood of Light's 21 reference texts on the occult sciences.

As above, so below

Modern Physics Validates Brotherhood of Light Hermetic Teachings

What does the Holographic Theory of the Universe and Quantum Theory have to do with our Hermetic teachings?

In this article we will attempt to present aspects that pertain to the Hermetic Teachings of the Church of Light. We also encourage you to investigate these theories for yourself...

Modern Physics Validates Hermetic Teachings

The Brotherhood of Light lessons encourage us to study the Book of Nature...

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 K. Paul JohnsonHistory Of The Adepts

An interesting history of The Brotherhood of Light and related sister organizations by K. Paul Johnson.

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