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“...true spirituality is a high dominant vibratory rate acquired through benefiting others, through spiritual alchemy, or through heightened emotional appreciation.”

— paraphrased from CSVII, Cosmic Alchemy

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The Golden Key

Character Insight from Spiritual Astrology...Stephen Curry

The 3rd Decanate of Pisces is pictured in the sky as the Constellation, Cassiopeia, the Lady in the Chair. Its rulership spans from March 11 to March 21.

Keyword: VICISSITUDES—Regular change or succession from one thing to another.

Cassiopeia - Urania's Mirror
Alexander Jamieson's, Urania's Mirror, public domain

Cassiopeia, with one hand, sheds the cloak of the physical body, while she lifts a branch from the Tree of Life with the other. This powerful gesture reminds us that endings and beginnings are intertwined, and transitions can be embraced with grace. She embodies the seamless shift from one phase of existence to the next.

Stephen Curry is a larger-than-life figure with an easygoing charm that makes him feel approachable—like someone you might casually run into on the street. His Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus in the tenth house enhances this warmth and likability. Yet, beyond his friendly exterior, there’s another dimension to him—one that propels him to an extraordinary level of success, placing him in a league of his own, both in his career and personal life.

His Sun resides in the third decan of Pisces, the sign of completion and transition. This decan is known for its deep spiritual attunement, allowing those born under it to connect with the essence of the Tree of Life. From a Hermetic perspective, this connection enables a person to move beyond mortality with full awareness, experiencing death as no more disruptive than relocating to a new city—leaving behind familiar faces while stepping into new connections and continuing their journey with clarity and purpose.

Curry embodies this Piscean energy through his unwavering love of and dedication to his sport, his relentless work ethic, and, most importantly, his profound love for his family. His success isn’t just about talent; it’s fueled by a faith that extends beyond this life. With his Pisces Sun in the ninth house—the house of philosophy and higher meaning—it’s no surprise that his faith plays a crucial role in his sense of purpose. Rooted in Christianity, often referred to by Hermetic astrologers as the Piscean Religion, his belief system motivates him to push beyond his limits. He carries this conviction, even inscribing Philippians 4:13 on his shoes: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Part of his great appeal is that he doesn’t try to force his personal beliefs on others.

But Curry’s belief isn’t just personal—it extends into action. Alongside his wife, he founded the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation, which provides nutritious meals, safe play spaces, and access to books for children in Oakland. Their philanthropic efforts include partnerships with No Kid Hungry and donations to the Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice. In a world that isn’t always kind to children, Curry and his wife recognize their privilege and use it to uplift others by raising consciousness and ensuring that a portion of the abundance they enjoy is shared with those who need it most.

Spiritual Text: “A person may pass from this life to the next with no more disruption than moving from one city to another—leaving behind familiar faces while stepping into new connections and continuing their journey with purpose and clarity.”

Stephen Curry Birth Chart
Stephen Curry, 3/14/1988,1:51 PM, Akron, OH.
Chart generated by Horoscope Program; Source: Astro- Databank; Rodden Rating AA

For greater insight into the decanates of spiritual astrology, click here for more about Pisces and the VICISSITUDES decanate in Course VII or here for “The Second Eighteen Decanates Analyzed” in Course X-1.

To purchase, Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology or here for Course X-1, Delineating the Horoscope.

Pisces: The 12th Sign of the Zodiac
February 20 thru March 21


Love is the Tree of Life, and its Fruit is Universal Brotherhood.”

The Eternal Tie That Binds

The Sign Pisces

The knot binding the two Fish symbolizes the shared Ego, the divine spark that energizes both souls. Together, these two souls and their Ego create a unique spiritual system—one that, when fully realized, becomes a true spiritual cell within the greater cosmic body. Once this soulmate connection reaches a permanent state, it takes on a distinct form in higher realms and is often referred to as an angel. At this stage, it transcends four-dimensional existence and embodies the essence of the truly spiritual, or five-dimensional, plane.

Even as they unite to form this higher spiritual being, each soul retains its individual identity—just as Venus and Mars remain distinct while existing within the same solar system. Each soul maintains its freedom of action, but before they can permanently merge into this elevated five-dimensional form—much like the two Fish sharing one shape while still moving independently—they must first awaken to their collective purpose within the greater Cosmic design.

— paraphrased from CSVII, Spiritual Astrology

Click here for more of this meditation and a companion exercise.

Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology.

The Silver Key

The Martyr

Astro-Tarot Series:

Arcanum XII: The Martyr

In Elbert Benjamine's classic series, he explains the astrological significance of the sign Pisces and its relationship to Arcanum XII, The Martyr tarot card.

The Martyr card expresses:

In the spiritual world—the revealed law.

In the mental world—understanding duty—the moral force binding you to reponsibilities that promote the greater good.

In the physical world—sacrifice—giving up something that is valuable to you in order to help someone else.

ADMONITION paraphrased from The Sacred Tarot:

Remember, seeker, that sacrifice is a sacred law that touches all lives—no one is exempt. Do good without expecting gratitude from others, and keep your soul prepared to answer to the eternal.

If Arcanum XII appears in your horoscope, it may signal the presence of great trials, even the possibility of a sudden or violent end. Yet, if fate tests you in this way, meet it with acceptance, not fear. Let go of resentment, even toward those who wrong you, for forgiveness is the key to spiritual freedom. Those who refuse to forgive in this life may find themselves trapped in isolation in the next.

The Martyr - Sacrifice, Duty and Divine Law

To access the Astro-Tarot Series | click here

Mental Alchemy...

Quotes from H.S.D. Starnaman's Prayers of Purpose.

Pisces is a Dual Sign with Two Components of Energy —Jupiter and Neptune


Harmonizing Jupiter's Discordant Religious Urges

For use at times of poor judgment, over optimism or personal conceit.

Constructive Religious Urges express as Benevolence, good will, and charity towards opinions of others.

“O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! Bring to me the realization that my intellectual powers are meant for use. Let me appraise life fully and analyze completely, with sound judgment and good sense the experiences the environment brings to me. Inspire me to take pleasure in being an efficient thinking member of the Universal Order.
— So Shall It Be.”


Harmonizing Neptune's Discordant Utopian Urges

For use at times when we tend to be vague, negatively imaginative, and unduly sensitive.

Constructive Utopian Urges express as Idealism and in the practical expression of the plans and schemes the imagination can picture

“O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! Aid me to attain calmness when emotion would threaten my poise. Aid me to be reasonable when I would feel hurt and unreasonable. Aid me to know that others will give love to me only as I radiate love to them. Inspire me to face reality courageously, confidently and calmly.
— So Shall It Be.

For more Prayers of Purpose click here



Part 4: The Cycle of Necessity.

Click here for Part 4
The Church of Light Quarterly, Winter 2024, Volume 99, Issue 3



The Online School for The Church of Light.

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons for students who enjoy an online, interactive environment.

Click here to Explore the AHA

Why We're Here is an internet resource for those searching for true esoteric insight that can only come from combining the best of the past with the promise of the future. Here we try to avoid the dogma of material science, “new age” thought, or fundamentalist religious concepts, while adhering to the old axiom “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons and the Aquarian Age

A new spiritual dispensation is at hand, where the love and compassion of the Piscean Age are enhanced by the wisdom that comes from a deeper understanding of the Nature of Reality brought by the new Aquarian Age and thus Religion is wed to Science. Our Brotherhood of Light lessons are the bridge that caries us into this New Age by combining the best of the Ancient Teachings with the wonders of our new discoveries. Nothing stays the same we must all adapt to the flood of new information.

Why Astrology and the Tarot are so important to understanding Traditional Knowledge

The word Kabala signifies traditional knowledge. It thus refers to the Oral Law, as handed down from antiquity; and embraces the occult traditions of all lands and all peoples. Often it is used merely as referring to the esoteric doctrines of the Jews; but in its broader sense it includes also the secret doctrine of other races. This secret doctrine, common to many lands, was jealously guarded from the profane, and was never permitted to pass into writing except in such ambiguous terms as to baffle the uninitiated as to its true purport. In this sense the sacred books of the world, including the Avesta, the Vedas and the Bible are largely kabalistical; for they set forth traditions that are capable of an inner, or esoteric, interpretation. In fact, there are usually several interpretations possible, each more inner version revealing a deeper truth to those who have advanced along the path far enough to comprehend it.

And this seems the proper place to point out that the unwritten kabala, like the written kabala, is set forth in symbolical language, with purposeful blinds and subterfuges to confuse the uninitiated; so that of the few who undoubtedly exist at the present day who have received it, most remain in as much ignorance of its true interpretation as the majority of students do after studying the more accessible written kabala. This unwritten kabala has been transmitted only through certain secret schools. Those receiving it well merit what is given to them. They are left to their own devices in the matter of interpretation. And because the real keys to its interpretation—astrology and the tarot—have been largely ignored, or distorted, they have floundered sadly in arriving at its meaning. Whether written or unwritten, the kabala is a philosophy correlated to esoteric astrology as exemplified by the tarot; and it can only be comprehended fully by those who perceive the true relation between astrological energies and their pictured tarot exemplification.

Excerpts from The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain

To see what we offer:

Browse through the 210 Brotherhood of Light Lessons by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic sciences including Hermetic Astrology, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy, the Tarot and other occult subjects designed to help you improve your life. You can read them all for FREE here!

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Develop personally and spiritually through our integrated system of Hermetic Astrology, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy and the esoteric teachings of the Egyptian Sacred Tarot.

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  • Start our correspondence courses by purchasing Course 1, Laws of Occultism (eBook or print version) or read it for FREE here.
  • Study the books then ask for the final exam on each course; take the exams. You'll get feedback and help, and receive a free Award (not-sold lesson) Manuscript that will enhance and deepen your metaphysical studies.
  • Become a Hermetician by passing all 21 Brotherhood of Light courses and become eligible to join The Order of the Sphinx.

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To get the most benefit from our material, you'll want to become a member. This allows you to take online exams for each of the 21 Brotherhood of Light courses on the Hermetic Sciences and receive valuable award manuscripts containing information not found elsewhere.

Passing all 21 courses leads to a Hermetician certificate and even more opportunities to learn and explore. In addition,if you're seeking professional status, being a Church of Light Hermetician is widely recognized and respected in the new age and astrological community. See our Membership page for more information.

USA Chart

Astrology of World Affairs
by Hermetician Dennis Sutton

ancient wisdom — modern science

Sharing knowledge of Hermetic astrology, the birth chart, astrodynes and global astrology

click here to be taken to Dennis' website.
click here for a FREE copy of Dennis' book, A précis of The Brotherhood of Light's 21 reference texts on the occult sciences.

As above, so below

Modern Physics Validates Brotherhood of Light Hermetic Teachings

What does the Holographic Theory of the Universe and Quantum Theory have to do with our Hermetic teachings?

In this article we will attempt to present aspects that pertain to the Hermetic Teachings of the Church of Light. We also encourage you to investigate these theories for yourself...

Modern Physics Validates Hermetic Teachings

The Brotherhood of Light lessons encourage us to study the Book of Nature...

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 K. Paul JohnsonHistory Of The Adepts

An interesting history of The Brotherhood of Light and related sister organizations by K. Paul Johnson.

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