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The Golden Key

Character Insight from Spiritual Astrology...Meghan Markle

The 2nd Decanate of Leo (Leo/Sagittarius) — Centaurus, with Shield and Spear Dedicated to Beneficial Change

It is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive, and to Receive in Full Measure We Must First Give of That Which We Already Have.


Centaurus by Johannes Hevelius
Johannes Hevelius, WikiMedia Commons, public domain

In the second, or Jupiter decanate of Leo, a unique astrological combination emerges. The influence of Sagittarius, the sign of the higher mind, refines the dominant control typical of Leo. This blend brings forth a philosophical and spiritual dimension, making those born under this decanate especially attuned to the flaws in contemporary politics and religion.

To illustrate the determination with which these individuals address harmful individuals and policies, the constellation CENTAURUS is depicted impaling a wolf—the symbol of the last decanate of Libra—on his spear. This wolf represents those who misuse their intellectual brilliance to suppress truth and impose ignorance and superstition for personal gain. People born in this middle decanate of Leo have the persuasive power and courage to lead others, making it essential for them to strive for truth and be mindful of not spreading false ideas.

Meghan Markle Birth Chart
Chart generated by Horoscope Program - RRating AA: Meghan Markle, August 4, 1981, Canoga Park, CA.

Markle’s Sun is in the REFORMATION decanate. Willingness to take on harmful policies or positions is critical to understanding her sense of purpose in life. Its placement in the first house is not only powerful in her chart but also suggests she feels a vital personal mission to bring change or reform into political and religious systems she finds herself at odds with, especially when the system’s preservation is perceived to be harmful to herself or others.

Shortly after marrying British Prince Harry, she became the subject of British tabloid palace intrigues, gossip, and vilification. Why this was so is a question that many speculate about. What matters is that she and Harry decided not to participate.

After stepping away from their royal duties in 2020 and relocating to the US, Meghan and Harry participated in a 2021 “tell-all” interview with Oprah Winfrey. Meghan expressed, “I don’t know how [the Royal Family] could expect that after all of this time, we would still just be silent if there is an active role that "the firm" is playing in perpetuating falsehoods about us.” She also revealed her struggles with mental health: “I went to the institution and said I needed to go somewhere to get help… I’ve never felt this way before… and I was told that I couldn’t, that it wouldn’t be good for the institution.” While we have only a surface understanding of her experience as a member of the British Royal Family, we do know that Harry has had personal encounters with British tabloids since childhood. Rather than continue in a situation they deemed unhealthy, they decided to separate from “the firm” and forge their own healthier path outside the Royal Family framework.

Astrologically, both Mercury and the Sun form a trine to Meghan's Midheaven, which governs business, honor, and reputation. However, her Aries Midheaven is discordant and ruled by Mars in Cancer in the 12th house, indicating domestic strife from unfriendly institutions and the attraction of "secret" enemies. Despite this configuration suggesting temporary strife and public friction, Meghan harnesses significant personal power from her first house Sun and Mercury, in trine aspect to her Midheaven. This makes her fearless in standing her ground and advocating for reform. Ultimately, the positive impact of her Midheaven trine to the Sun, which rules the 2nd house, significantly outweighs any adverse effects from institutional and media conflicts.

For greater insight into the decanates of spiritual astrology, click here for more about Leo and the REFORMATION decanate in Course VII or here for “The First Eighteen Decanates Analyzed” in Course X-1.

To purchase, Click here for Course VII, Spiritual Astrology or here for Course X-1, Delineating the Horoscope.

The Sign Leo

Leo: The 5th Sign of the Zodiac
July 23 thru August 23



“Any Accomplishment Truly Worth While Requires the Exercise of Courage.”

The Key phrase of Leo is I Will. People born when the Sun is in this sign commonly exhibit more than the average amount of fixity of purpose which goes by the name of will power. Yet, power of will itself is dependent upon the ability to keep the desires focused on the objective to which they were once strongly attracted and the ability to maintain the vitalization of the decision to follow some line of conduct toward the realization of the desire. Instead of running wild, strong desires, when focused into a channel of their own choosing, are turned into Will Power.

The story of Samson and Delilah from the Old Testament is a story that reminds us that sometimes, in order to accomplish our will, there must be the willingness to face disagreeable situations. Such willingness is called Courage...

Click here for more of this meditation and a companion exercise.

Click here for Course 7, Spiritual Astrology.

Mental Alchemy...
Prayer for Harmonizing Sun Energy

The Sun

For use when we lack vitality, desire to unduly exert authority or express dictativeness or a domineering attitude to others.

Constructive Power Urges express as Rulership and control over the environment, and in cooperation and sympathetic understanding of views and problems of others.

O Thou Eternal Spirit, in Whom I live, move, breathe and have my Being! Manifest through me Thy Life, Light and Love. Aid me to conduct my affairs with dignity, courage and consideration for others. I desire to express self assurance—for my soul is at one with the All. Whatever Life may bring to me, I can with Thy aid, undertake and build therewith constructively.

So Shall It Be!....

For more Prayers of Purpose click here

The Silver KeyThe Sun

Astro-Tarot Series:

Arcanum XIX: The Sun

In Elbert Benjamine's classic series, he explains the astrological significance of the sign Leo and its relationship to Arcanum XIX, The Sun tarot card.


In the spiritual world, the supreme heaven. In the intellectual world, true happiness. In the physical world, sacred union.”


Remember, then, son of earth, that the light of the mysteries is a redoubtable fluid, put by nature at the service of the will. She lights those who know how to direct her; she strikes down with a thunderbolt those who ignore her power or who abuse it. If Arcanum XIX should appear in the prophetic signs of thy horoscope, happiness awaits thee in domestic life if thou knowest how to strengthen the conjugal circle and guard its sacredness in the sanctuary of the heart.

The Sun - Happiness and Joy

To access the Astro-Tarot Series | click here



The Online School for The Church of Light.

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons for students who enjoy an online, interactive environment.

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Why We're Here is an internet resource for those searching for true esoteric insight that can only come from combining the best of the past with the promise of the future. Here we try to avoid the dogma of material science, “new age” thought, or fundamentalist religious concepts, while adhering to the old axiom “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

The Brotherhood of Light Lessons and the Aquarian Age

A new spiritual dispensation is at hand, where the love and compassion of the Piscean Age are enhanced by the wisdom that comes from a deeper understanding of the Nature of Reality brought by the new Aquarian Age and thus Religion is wed to Science. Our Brotherhood of Light lessons are the bridge that caries us into this New Age by combining the best of the Ancient Teachings with the wonders of our new discoveries. Nothing stays the same we must all adapt to the flood of new information.

Why Astrology and the Tarot are so important to understanding Traditional Knowledge

The word Kabala signifies traditional knowledge. It thus refers to the Oral Law, as handed down from antiquity; and embraces the occult traditions of all lands and all peoples. Often it is used merely as referring to the esoteric doctrines of the Jews; but in its broader sense it includes also the secret doctrine of other races. This secret doctrine, common to many lands, was jealously guarded from the profane, and was never permitted to pass into writing except in such ambiguous terms as to baffle the uninitiated as to its true purport. In this sense the sacred books of the world, including the Avesta, the Vedas and the Bible are largely kabalistical; for they set forth traditions that are capable of an inner, or esoteric, interpretation. In fact, there are usually several interpretations possible, each more inner version revealing a deeper truth to those who have advanced along the path far enough to comprehend it.

And this seems the proper place to point out that the unwritten kabala, like the written kabala, is set forth in symbolical language, with purposeful blinds and subterfuges to confuse the uninitiated; so that of the few who undoubtedly exist at the present day who have received it, most remain in as much ignorance of its true interpretation as the majority of students do after studying the more accessible written kabala. This unwritten kabala has been transmitted only through certain secret schools. Those receiving it well merit what is given to them. They are left to their own devices in the matter of interpretation. And because the real keys to its interpretation—astrology and the tarot—have been largely ignored, or distorted, they have floundered sadly in arriving at its meaning. Whether written or unwritten, the kabala is a philosophy correlated to esoteric astrology as exemplified by the tarot; and it can only be comprehended fully by those who perceive the true relation between astrological energies and their pictured tarot exemplification.

Excerpts from The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain

To see what we offer:

Browse through the 210 Brotherhood of Light Lessons by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic sciences including Hermetic Astrology, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy, the Tarot and other occult subjects designed to help you improve your life. You can read them all for FREE here!

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  • Start our correspondence courses by purchasing Course 1, Laws of Occultism (eBook or print version) or read it for FREE here.
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To get the most benefit from our material, you'll want to become a member. This allows you to take online exams for each of the 21 Brotherhood of Light courses on the Hermetic Sciences and receive valuable award manuscripts containing information not found elsewhere.

Passing all 21 courses leads to a Hermetician certificate and even more opportunities to learn and explore. In addition,if you're seeking professional status, being a Church of Light Hermetician is widely recognized and respected in the new age and astrological community. See our Membership page for more information.

USA Chart

Astrology of World Affairs
by Hermetician Dennis Sutton

ancient wisdom — modern science

Sharing knowledge of Hermetic astrology, the birth chart, astrodynes and global astrology

click here to be taken to Dennis' website.
click here for a FREE copy of Dennis' book, A précis of The Brotherhood of Light's 21 reference texts on the occult sciences.

As above, so below

Modern Physics Validates Brotherhood of Light Hermetic Teachings

What does the Holographic Theory of the Universe and Quantum Theory have to do with our Hermetic teachings?

In this article we will attempt to present aspects that pertain to the Hermetic Teachings of the Church of Light. We also encourage you to investigate these theories for yourself...

Modern Physics Validates Hermetic Teachings

The Brotherhood of Light lessons encourage us to study the Book of Nature...

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and achieve a sense of personal fulfillment, harmony, balance ... spirituality.

 K. Paul JohnsonHistory Of The Adepts

An interesting history of The Brotherhood of Light and related sister organizations by K. Paul Johnson.

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